华人运动生理与体适能学者学会(SCSEPF)是由华人学者组建的学术团体,专注于运动生理学理论研究及其在运动训练和体适能等领域的应用。第二十二届SCSEPF年会暨学术大会将于2025年9月19至21日在山东大学青岛校区举行。本次会议主题是:数智赋能运动健身与竞技体育(Digital Intelligence Empowers Physical Fitness and Competitive Sports)。现诚挚邀请您参加本次学术盛会。
The Society of Chinese Scholars of Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF) is an academic organization formed by Chinese scholars specializing in exercise physiology and applied physiology research related to exercise training and physical fitness. The 22ndAnnual Conference of the SCSEPF will be held from 19 to 21 September 2025 at Shandong University in Qingdao, China. The theme of the Conference is “Digital Intelligence Empowers Physical Fitness and Competitive Sports”. We sincerely invite you to participate in this academic conference.
Conference Agenda and Arrangement
1.主办及承办(Host and Organizer)
Host:The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness(SCSEPF); Shandong University
Organizer: School of Physical Education, Shandong University
2.会议时间地点(Time and Location)
19th September(Friday) – 21st September(Sunday), 2025
Shandong University, Qingdao, China
大会主题:数智赋能运动健身与竞技体育(Digital Intelligence Empowers Physical Fitness and Competitive Sports)
数智赋能时代体适能与健康促进(Physical Fitness and Health Promotion in the Era of Digital Intelligence Empowerment)
数智赋能时代新技术在竞技体育中的应用(Application of New Technologies in Competitive Sports in the Era of Digital Intelligence Empowerment)
数智赋能时代人工智能与体育创新发展(Artificial Intelligence and Sports Innovation and Development in the Era of Digital Intelligence Empowerment)
数智赋能时代慢性疾病与运动干预(Chronic Diseases and Exercise Intervention in the Era of Digital Intelligence Empowerment)
数智赋能时代中国传统健身方法的生理学研究(Physiological Research on Traditional Chinese Fitness Methods in the Era of Digital Intelligence Empowerment)
数智赋能时代竞技体育中生理学监控的应用进展(Advancement in the Application of Physiological Monitoring in Competitive Sports in the Era of Digital Intelligence Empowerment)
运动性疲劳后恢复新手段与新方法(New Methods and Approaches in the Recovery of Exercise-induced Fatigue)
运动能力的评定新方法(New Methods in Evaluating Exercise Performance)
运动营养及中医药在运动中的应用(Application of Sports Nutrition and Chinese Medicine in Exercise)
分子与细胞运动生理学(Molecular and Cellular Exercise Physiology)
其他相关学科研究(Other Related Disciplinal Research)
4.会议形式及会议语言(Format of Presentations and Conference Language)
Keynote Speech, Invited Speech, Oral Presentation, and Poster Presentation.
The conference will be conducted in Chinese or English .
The participants include SCSEPF members, academic staff, researchers, coaches, managers, and practitioners in fitness industry who are committed to advancing research in the domain of exercise physiology and physical fitness. The postgraduate students and young scholars are especially welcome to join the conference. The forthcoming conference is anticipated to attract 200 to 300 participants.
Deadline for abstract submission: 30th July, 2025.
会议设有审查制度:由学者专家进行评审,欢迎提交原创性论文(original paper)摘要。
The conference has established a peer review system whereby scholars and experts conduct evaluations. Abstracts of original studies are especially welcomed for submission.
To ensure equal opportunities for participants and to promote the presentation of diverse topics at the conference, each participant is limited to submitting one abstract as the first author.
论文摘要:请以Microsoft Word格式打印,可用中文或英文撰写。含必要的图表在内,中文摘要以500字为限(宋体,小五号),英文摘要以400字为限(Times New Roman, 11 Fonts)。
Abstracts can be written either in English or Chinese, and should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. The English abstract should not exceed 400 words in Times New Roman (11-font size), whereas the Chinese abstract should not exceed 500 words in a Song font (small size 5). Tables and figures, if necessary, should be included in the abstract.
Please submit the abstract to: scsepf2025@sdu.edu.cn.
All submitted abstracts will undergo a rigorous peer review prior to acceptance. You will receive a notification regarding acceptance or rejection by 30th August, 2025. Kindly specify whether your abstract is intended for an oral presentation or a poster presentation.
所有被录用的摘要将在《第二十二届华人运动生理与体适能学者学会年会暨学术大会论文摘要集》发表。优秀论文可提交学会的国际学术期刊Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness发表。
All accepted abstracts will be presented in the 22nd SCSEPF Annual Academic Conference and the outstanding papers may be considered for publication in the Society’s official journal, the Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness(https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-exercise-science-and-fitness).
The primary languages of the conference include both English and Chinese. To encourage the use of English, priority will be given to those abstracts in English when other conditions are equivalent.
会议设学术论文奖励:大会优秀论文一等奖(10%以内);大会优秀论文二等奖(10% 以内)。
Conference Awards for Academic Papers: 10% First Prizes for Excellent Papers; 10% Second Prizes for Excellent Papers.
8.会务费(Registration Fee)
For academic staff, researchers, etc: US$175 or RMB 1200 (based on the exchange rate ofthe current month).
For full-time students: US$120 or RMB 800 (student ID required, based on the exchange rate of the current month).
No. 72 Binhai Road, Jimo District, Qingdao City,
Shandong Province, China (postcode: 266237)
School of Physical Education, Qingdao, Shandong University
Conference contact person:
Ni Yuanzhen's email: niyuanzhen@sdu.edu.cn
Yu Yinghao's email: yuyinghao@sdu.edu.cn
Conference sponsor contact person:
Ni Yuanzhen's email: niyuanzhen@sdu.edu.cn